Facebook Ads Text Check: A Guide to Ad Text Policies


If you're running Facebook ads, you know how important it is to have ad copy that's engaging, persuasive, and effective at driving conversions. But did you know that Facebook has strict policies about the text you can use in your ads? In this guide, we'll take a deep dive into Facebook's ad text policies and show you how to create ad copy that's both effective and compliant.

Facebook Ads Text Check: A Guide to Ad Text Policies is an essential resource for any marketer looking to create effective Facebook ads that comply with the platform's policies.

John Smith

Digital Marketing Consultant

Understanding Facebook's Ad Text Policies

Before we dive into the specifics of Facebook's ad text policies, it's important to understand why these policies exist. Facebook's goal is to create a positive user experience for its users, which means that it wants to ensure that the ads that appear on its platform are high-quality and relevant to users' interests.

To that end, Facebook has created a set of guidelines that advertisers must follow when creating ad copy. These guidelines cover everything from the length of your ad text to the types of words and phrases you can use.

The Basics of Facebook's Ad Text Policies

Let's start with the basics. According to Facebook's ad text policies, your ad text cannot exceed 20% of the total image area. This means that if you're using an image in your ad, you need to make sure that the text in your ad takes up no more than 20% of the image.

In addition, Facebook has specific guidelines about the types of words and phrases you can use in your ad text. For example, you cannot use profanity or other offensive language in your ads. You also cannot use language that is discriminatory or promotes hate speech.

How to Create Effective Ad Copy That's Compliant

Now that you understand the basics of Facebook's ad text policies, let's talk about how to create ad copy that's both effective and compliant. Here are some tips to keep in mind:

Tip #1: Keep It Short and Sweet

Remember, your ad text cannot exceed 20% of the total image area. This means that you need to be concise and to the point with your ad copy. Use short, punchy sentences that get your message across quickly.

Tip #2: Focus on Benefits, Not Features

When creating ad copy, it's easy to get caught up in the features of your product or service. But remember, what really matters to your customers are the benefits. Focus on how your product or service can solve a problem or improve their lives.

Tip #3: Use Clear and Direct Language

Avoid using overly complicated language or industry jargon in your ad copy. Instead, use clear and direct language that's easy for your target audience to understand.

Tip #4: Test, Test, Test

Finally, it's important to test your ad copy to see what works best. Try different variations of your ad copy to see which ones drive the most conversions. And don't forget to keep an eye on your ad metrics to see how your ads are performing.


Creating effective Facebook ads requires more than just great ad copy. You also need to ensure that your ad copy is compliant with Facebook's ad text policies. By following the tips in this guide, you can create ad copy that's both effective and compliant, driving more conversions and improving your ROI.


According to a recent study by WordStream, Facebook ads with less than 20% text in the image perform better than those with more text. The study found that ads with less than 20% text had a 29% lower cost per click and a 50% lower cost per impression than ads with more than 20% text. This highlights the importance of adhering to Facebook's ad text policies and using images with minimal text to maximize ad performance.

🤔 Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is 20% text rule checker Facebook?

The 20% text rule checker on Facebook is a tool designed to help advertisers determine if their ad images comply with Facebook's text-to-image ratio guidelines. According to Facebook's policy, ads cannot have more than 20% text in the image. The rule applies to all types of ads, including sponsored posts, carousel ads, and video ads. The 20% text rule checker works by dividing the image into a grid and analyzing the amount of text in each grid block. If the text exceeds 20% of the total image area, the ad will be flagged as non-compliant. Advertisers can use the tool to make necessary adjustments to their ad images before submitting them for review. By following Facebook's text-to-image ratio guidelines, advertisers can ensure that their ads are not only visually appealing but also effective in reaching their target audience.

2. What is the 20% text rule?

The 20% text rule is a guideline set by Facebook that limits the amount of text that can be included in an image used for advertising. Essentially, if the text within an image takes up more than 20% of the total image area, the ad will be flagged as having too much text and may be penalized with a lower reach and higher costs. This rule was put in place to ensure that Facebook users are not bombarded with overly promotional or spammy ads, and to encourage advertisers to use images that are visually appealing and engaging. While the 20% text rule is not a hard and fast rule, it is important to keep it in mind when creating images for Facebook ads to maximize their effectiveness and reach.

3. What is the 20 text rule on Facebook 2023?

The 20 text rule on Facebook 2023 refers to the maximum amount of text that can be included in an image or video ad on the platform. Essentially, Facebook has set a limit of 20% text on any visual content that is used for advertising purposes. This rule is in place to ensure that ads are visually appealing and not cluttered with too much text, which can be overwhelming for users. Advertisers can use Facebook's grid tool to check if their ad meets the 20% text rule before submitting it for approval. It's important to note that this rule only applies to ads and not to regular posts on Facebook. By adhering to the 20 text rule, advertisers can create effective and visually appealing ads that will engage their target audience and drive conversions.

4. What is the 80 20 rule on FB ads?

The 80 20 rule on Facebook ads is a concept that suggests that 80% of your results will come from 20% of your efforts. In other words, you should focus on the 20% of your ad campaigns that are generating the most engagement, clicks, and conversions. This means that you need to constantly monitor your ad performance and adjust your strategy accordingly. Additionally, it's important to keep in mind that the 80 20 rule applies to your audience as well. 80% of your revenue will come from 20% of your customers, so it's crucial to identify and target your most valuable customers. By following the 80 20 rule, you can optimize your Facebook ad campaigns and maximize your ROI.